Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Yay Sandy!

She was officially nominated for an Oscar today for her role in the Blind Side. Sadly, I still have not seen it, but will do so by the end of the week! Join me in cheering her on!

"Is this where you were "cream of corn"?"
""Queen of Corn," honey. Three years runnin'. A feat unsurpassed in the history of Smithville."


  1. gonna be tough for her to beat out Meryl Streep, but I'm pulling for her!

  2. you are so freakin funny!!! I will cheer but because of your undying support for miss bullock!

    See you Friday mama!!!! Can't wait to catch up!

  3. "Dancing's just a conversation between two people. Talk to me."
