Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My life in numbers....

32: years old I will be when I have my first baby

15: days until said baby's due date

8: hours left of work before I'm officially on maternity leave

1: childbirth prep class to attend

3: loads of laundry already done for LT

2: Hospital bags needing to be packed (mine and Geoffrey's)

4: Froggies to wash before LT's arrival

7: books on pregnancy/babies I have started to read (I've only finished 3'ish)

5: possible names for LT

10: kick counts we track nightly from LT (he's most active starting at 9:50pm, on the dot!) 

Infinite: amount of excitement (and love!) for the arrival of our Little Thing

Monday, May 2, 2011

Second baby out--one to go!

And the last one left is mine. I'm noticing a pattern with these Spring babies--they like to come 3 weeks early! Eeek, that means we need to be prepared by May 19th!! We are trying to coach Mr. LT to stay in until end of May/early early June. Coincidentally, there happens to be another eclipse on June 1. And, along with the full moon that day, I am predicting LT will be born June 1. When do you think LT will be born?? We're taking down predictions!

Welcome to the world Henry "Buster" Page! You're a very luck baby!! We love you and LT can't wait to meet you!!