A few months ago, Becks got a nasty virus. This virus caused my baby to have a fever for almost 5 days, caused him to throw up, have a runny nose, have no appetite, wake up every 2 hours, become very weak and made him want to be attached at my hip for those 5 days. It was the worst sickness he's had to date. We were looking at pictures of the weekend before he got sick and we spotted the exact moment of contagion. Ladies and Gentlemen, you are now a witness to Contagion 2012.
The day started out at a local LA park, hanging out with best bud Henry, the day after his BIG birthday party.
Becks: Oh Hi Henry! I had such a great time at your birthday party! Here, want a Cheerio?
Henry: Sure, feed it to me why don't you?
Henry: Mmmmmm, I love Cheerios! Just a little lick...
Becks: Pssssssyche! Your birthday is over buddy, this is my Cheerio!
Becks: I can't believe you wanted to eat my Cheerio! Check out my pincer grasp, isn't it awesome?
Henry: Umm, Auntie Mayra,I think there is something Becks should know before he eats...
Becks: Chomp, chomp. I love taking little bites of Cheerios!
Becks: Mmmmm, two more bites to go...
Becks: Savoring this last bite...wish I had some milk to go with it!
What?? I'm claiming Incubation Period! And, H didn't have half of those symptoms. Well, actually, I can't remember. Couldn't have been him. ;)