Becks at 6 months
Well, it has been 6 full months--yes, HALF A YEAR-- since my baby has been out of my belly. If I do say so myself, this littel guy is amazing! I think this baby is way ahead of the curve and I credit that all to my intake of Omega 3 supplements:) Or, maybe he is just a genius. That's what Geoffrey thinks.
At six months, Becks can do the following:
Sit up by himself for hours (ok, minutes, but in infant time, that's hours!):
Stand while holding on to something (and he sometimes even tests our reflexes by "letting go" and falling back into our arms)
He waves "hi"
He drinks out of a straw (I thought this was the most impressive trick yet)
He is starting to try to pull himself up to standing/sitting (oh oh, watch out here comes Becks!)
He babbles non-stop and makes himself laugh
Likes: Reading, dancing, singing, bath time, morning cuddles, kisses from mommy and daddy, pear, oatmeal
Dislikes: riding in his car seat, naps
Favorite books: Dr. Seuss's Mr. Brown can Moo Can You? The Foot Book and There's a Wocket in my Pocket
Number of teeth: 0 (but the bottom two are trying to pop out)
Becks at 1.5 years
Becks has been walking/running for 8 months now, so he is a constantly on the move. He is at a stage where he is testing his limits and ours. Which makes him very tantrum prone (yay, terrible ones!). But he's still amazing!
He says "I love you" like this: "I ooooooooou!"
He loves to "cheeeeeeeeeers" whenever he sees us drinking wine.
He always throws kisses when he says "bye".
He understands and completes many, many commands/instructions. My favorite one: please throw your diaper away in the trash.
He can say his name when you ask him: "Betts"
Likes: Batman, Buzz Lightyear, DVDs, Jack the Pumpkin King, being with mommy and daddy (but mostly mommy), dancing, playing ball (football, baseball, golf), riding on his horsie, drawing, playing with magnets
Dislikes: Sleeping, when we tell him "no", being strapped in (carseat, highchair)
Favorite food: Spaghetti, avocado, tortillas, beans and rice, cheerios, cuties, berries (all of them), spinach, OLIVES!
Favorite books: Pout Pout Fish, I ain't gonna paint no more, Bubbles, bubbles, Ride 'em Cowboy/Toy Story Book
Number of teeth: 16
Weight: 22 lbs
Height: 31.75 inches
Becks at 2 years
Becks' personality is starting to really come out. He is an energetic, funny, loving, stubborn little boy. He loves to run around, play, sing, play pretend, count, make monster noises.
Likes: Trains (especially Thomas the Train), Batman, naming animals and making animal sounds, playing with iPhone, dancing to Trouble, Trouble (Taylor Swift) and Locked Out of Heavan (Bruno Mars), singing, reading, counting, posing (superhero pose), doing spaghetti legs, playing with his cousins, band-aids
Dislikes: Sleeping in his bed, when he doesn't get his way (or when mommy and daddy say "no")
Favorite food: Waffles, pancakes, scrambled eggs, uvas (grapes), cake, keecoos (cookies), rice/beans, pb&j, applesauce, jicama, cucumbers, avocado, chocolate!
Favorite books: Owl Babies, How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight, On the Night You Were Born, Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, Llama Llama Red Pajama, Goodnight Moon, Pout Pout Fish, Pout Pout Fish and the Deep Deep Blue (aka Mas Pout Pout)
Number of teeth: 18--the upper 2 year molars are coming
Weight: 23.8 lbs
Height: 34 inches