Yes, I've finally joined the 21st century and decided to start a blog! Special thanks to Ting for inspiring me to do so. She has a wonderful blog that is super fancy, funny, touching and engaging, so I am striving to do that, but it might take me a while, so I thank you in advance for your patience!
Since we will soon be ringing in 2010 (a new DECADE!), I decided my pre-new year's resolution would be to write one entry in my new blog. After I post this, I will have accomplished my PNY resolution!! Yay! Don't you love the feeling of getting things done and crossing things off your list? I surely do. Now, I can concentrate on my new decade resolution, which I haven't quite figured out just yet. Shoot, did I just add "think of new decade resolution" to my list? Why is it that when we accomplish one goal, we decide to add another goal in its place? Are our lives not filled with enough goals already?? Is it wrong to have nothing on your "goals" list?? Because of this, I have decided to try out having no goals for the rest of the year. I'll let you know how that goes next year! Here's to a healthy and happy 2010!